c. marsden upholstery

upholstery service

professional upholstery service
& re-upholstery specialist

image of upholstery work by Chris Marsden Upholstery Service

Re-upholstery Specialist

Complete Reupholstery service available. Hundreds of fabrics and leathers to choose from.

Bespoke upholstery

Handcrafted traditional and modern sofas and chairs. Upholstered to your dimensions and specifications.

Commercial Upholstery

Furniture for commercial and business environments. Restaurants, hotels, bars, offices and function rooms.

professional upholstery service
based in bolton

With 36 years experience, we cover all aspects of upholstery. Makers of modern and traditional sofas, chairs and bespoke furniture, handcrafted and tailored to your requirements. We also work closely with interior designers and provide a professional reupholstery service, offering a vast array of fabrics and leathers to choose from.

Absolutely delighted with the work Chris did for us really couldn’t be happier, I would definitely recommend Chris communication was spot on it’s great to have work done by someone who takes so much pride in his work. Thanks again Chris

Talk to us

For friendly honest advise, and further information, contact C. Marsden Upholstery today. Or call into our workshop and see what we do best.